Thursday, September 4, 2014

ENGL 3222 Lord Alfred Tennyson and the Idylls of the King Research Paper

Year taken: 2011-2012
Professor: Frances Torres
Class: INGL3222
University: University of Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus

      Famous and loved all around the world, his presence in literature renewed the knight legends and the Christian morals to all society at the time of its remerging; King Arthur is indeed the greatest ruler ever created by the human mind. So it is said he existed, other say he did not, although most of those scholars believe the tales were inspired by some certain event or a certain warrior, later to be glorified as a perfect human who would bring peace, pride and glory to his kingdom and all England. The Arthurian times were said to be the purest state the people of Camelot had. Arthur had created a kingdom where the Christian god had blessed by their extraordinary behavior, their control of lust and other sins, and their kindness and unity. It is only when adultery is committed by Guinevere-Arthur’s wife- and Lancelot-Arthur’s most trusted knight and friend- that the kingdom faces many obstacles and complications. Slowly throughout the stories, Camelot starts losing everything it stand for. Arthur faces many losses, from his knights leaving or disappearing from the Round Table to his nephew (and possible child from an incest relationship with his half-sister), Mordred trying to take over the throne and leading into a battle where Arthur becomes severely injured and was probably, his cause of death.
Alfred Tennyson, English writer, had found inspiration to renew the King Arthur legend after experiencing severe critics from his early jobs, a constant family worry situation and the loss of his best friend, Arthur Hallam. Tennyson emerges from the ashes and becomes one of the greatest writers in literature, finding inspiration in his problems but also in his perseverance to triumph over his worries and obstacles. It is then when Arthur, the Round Table and beloved Camelot, burst out all over again in the late 1800s after their fame in the 1100s. The people become euphoric with their returns and Tennyson’s Arthur becomes a role model for his and future generations.

Sir Alfred Tennyson
He was born on August 6th, 1809 in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England. Tennyson was the fourth child out of twelve from a mentally and economically unstable family. Several men from his bloodline were famous for suffering of epilepsy; his father, who was a rector, didn’t make it better with the alcoholism and violent behavior and his older brother, Edward, was institutionalized in a mental asylum, where he died. Tennyson himself would suffer from depression later on in his life.
In 1827, he reaches his prime education at Trinity College following two of his older brothers and becoming well-known for their poetry. They gained popularity quickly and a year later, Tennyson wins the Chancellor's Gold Medal. By his third year in college, he joins The Apostles poetry club, a fine group of minds set to make a difference and to be remembered throughout history. Some of Tennyson’s companions were Arthur Henry Hallam, James Spedding, Edward Lushington and Richard Monckton Milnes. They will eventually be placed in the Dictionary of National Biography. At the tender age of 20, he wrote “Mariana”, a tale of a loveless woman who doesn’t feel the push to keep on living without the man who left her, she later on commits suicide. This poem placed Tennyson in a high place, receiving huge praises.
His friendship with Arthur Hallam was one of his most important sources of inspiration. Since they met in college, they created strong bonds with each other since then and eventually they became inseparable. Hallam became engaged to Emily Tennyson, Alfred’s sister, and the two men were looking forward to a long and productive companionship. It was at the age of 22 that Hallam made an early departure from the living when he died of cerebral hemorrhage while being away from Tennyson, who was 23 by this time. His grief to this lost friend was extremely tragic for the young poet, and with the harsh and negative critics of his newly publicized work at the time- “Poems”1832- Tennyson couldn’t handle so much pain and didn’t published and disappeared from poetry for almost a whole decade. Little did he knew, his best friend’s passing was one of the most tragic moments for Tennyson,  but it also became one of his primary reasons to write some of his best works.
His mental health started declining as well as his economy. He was forced to end his engagement with Emily Sellwood, who ended marrying her later on and having two children: Hallam(who he named after his deceased friend) and Lionel. He pushes himself to go back to the poetry and its publishing and bring to the public another volume of “Poems” in 1842, this time receiving the positive reviews and the fame he most wanted. It is in this period of time where his work is at its finest and Hallam’s memory is what pushed the ideas for such works as “Locksley Hall”, “Tithonus”, and “Ulysses”. In 850, he publishes “In Memoriam A.H.H.” where Tennyson talks about the loss of his friend and dedicates the poem to Hallam himself. It is one of the most memorable works of Tennyson. That same year, he was appointed Poet Laureate, a huge honor for any poet, which he held for the rest of his life. Tennyson became the most popular poet of the Victorian Era.
At 1853, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, arrived at the Tennyson’s house unannounced one day and helped him solidify his position as national poet. He dedicated “The Idylls of the King” to his memory later on. He wrote “The charge of the Light Brigade” in 1855, it was inspired by the charge of British cavalry who held the same name and raged against the Russians during the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. One of his greatest works and kept rising up the chart. The famous “Idylls of the King” are a compilation of poems dedicated to revive King Arthur and his legend and were written from 1833 to 1874. These were inspired, besides the goal of resuscitating the Christian values on society, in Hallam’s figure as well. In 1884, Queen Victoria, also a huge fan of Tennyson’s work, summoned him to court and entitled him as “Lord” after the poet refused the name several times and the royal highness was insisting for him to take. Since then, he is known as Lord Tennyson or 1st Baron Tennyson. He continued to write until his death at the age of 83 on October 6th 1892 and it is still an acclaimed artist whose grief and depression led him to the greatest victory a human can have, immortality.

Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King”: The coming of Arthur
The story opens with King Leodogran, ruler of Cameliard explaining he only has one daughter, Guinevere. She’s the most beautiful of all women and he loves her dearly. It is later explained that England was divided into different clans of people and each had their royalty and leaders. They would constantly fight each other a lot, which led Leodogran to wish for the Romans to still have control on the lands, for there was order. King Aurelius and Uther from Camelot had tried to unify the lands with no avail before passing away. Later came Arthur and reunited the English kingdom and he was going to rule the lands with the help of his Round Table, a group of trustworthy and skilled knights, who lived pure under the laws of God.
It is told that after these events, Arthur is pronounced King despite the many protests against him for he was not considered royalty nor proved his origins.  It is then when Leodogran seeks for his help, for his kingdom is a wasteland constantly attacked by other British kings. Arthur arrives at Chameliard to start his aid when he sees Guinevere and falls in love with her. He plans to ask her hand in marriage. Arthur and his troops defeat the enemy kingdoms of Chameliard and celebrate the victory. He and Lancelot, his most trusted and loving knight, swear loyalty to each other and create a stronger bond between them. Afterwards, he asks for Guinevere’s hand in marriage; but King Leodogran has doubts of his royalty, so he asks Arthur’s messengers to clear him out of doubt.
It is revealed to him that Arthur is the secret heir of Uther, who he never met because he died before Ygerne gave birth. He was sent to be taken care by Merlin, to protect him from rivals to the throne. He was raised by Sir Anton, who acted as if Arthur was his own. This is what started the doubts and rumors in the kingdom, but in the end, thanks to Merlin, he was accepted as king. Leodogran still has doubts about Arthur’s origins, so he asks Bellicent of Orkney -daughter of Ygerne and her first husband, Gorlois- and her sons, Gawain and Modred. She cannot confirm the story because she doesn’t have much knowledge about it. Leodogran still doesn’t know if to grant permission, until he has a dream that convinces him to agree.
Lancelot and some other knights are sent to escort Guinevere. She and Arthur get married and a huge celebration it is made. The knights feast in honor of their king and his happiness. Later on, he fights the Romans after denying paying envoys; he wins the battle and continues to work on his kingdom.

Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King”: Lancelot and Elaine
The story opens with Elaine, the lily maid of Astolat, sitting in her chamber where she watches over the shield of Sir Lancelot from rust or other harm; she even made a silk cover for it. She daydreams of the story the shield has and how amusing she finds this knight and wishes for him to return safe and become something more to him. It is a mystery to how the shield ended in the hands of this lady who didn’t know his name. It is then when we are told that some time ago the shield was left in her care when Lancelot left to take part in a tournament at which the king was to give a valuable diamond to the winner. These jewel belonged to a set of nine that Arthur possessed and gave away one every year he held the tournament. Lancelot had collected eight of them from his wins of every tournament and was planning on collecting all nine and give them to the woman he loved, Guinevere, Arthur’s wife, as a gift. 
The court was moving from London to Camelot for the great event and Guinevere wasn’t going to assist the tournament due to her recovering from a severe illness and asked to stay behind. When Lancelot noticed she was going to be absent, claims to Arthur that one of his old wounds was bothering him, the king approves his excuse and he is left in London as well. When they were able to meet, Guinevere began to complain at Lancelot for putting at risk their reputations with his suspicious leave to stay at London. He was annoyed at her reaction, both from disappointment and resentment from lying in vain. She then suggests to Lancelot to compete in the tournament to avoid suspicion. Lancelot had to find a good excuse to returning to the event after lying to stay over at London, so he agrees to Guinevere’s plan, enter disguised. That way he could win the last gem and save his knightly reputation.
Lancelot rides off and makes a stop at the castle of Astolat. He never identified himself, but was well received by the lord and his sons Sir Torre and Sir Lavaine, and his daughter, Elaine. The look of royal warrior was enough to convince the lord and his children that Lancelot was a trustworthy person. It is then when the innocent young Elaine became attracted to the knight, he never responded back but he was kind to her, which was enough to give her hope, misunderstanding his approach and his interest in telling her the account of battle and the scars of his shield.
The next morning, Lancelot borrowed an old shield and left his own in Elaine's, she then proceeded to ask him to wear her favor on his helmet, Lancelot had never honored any woman this way before, but he agreed when she convinced him that it would help with his disguise. He left the castle of Astolat in the company of Elaine’s brother and revealed his identity to them, Elaine, however, stayed with this curiosity. At the tournament, no one recognized Lancelot, but he climbed to the top surprising the crowd and knights with his mysterious identity and skills. He later angered his own friends for they thought that he was a stranger trying to surpass their dear Lancelot and his reputation, in the end, they outraged and attacked him, leaving Lancelot wounded and in a bad shape. Despite his wound, he won the tournament, but left abruptly without taking his prize, for he was too wounded and needed help. He leaves with Lavaine to a shack where they treat the wounds.
Meanwhile, Arthur assigned Sir Gawain to find the unknown knight in order to award him the diamond. The queen was told about the events and she tells Arthur the knight was Lancelot. She learns about the lady's favor in his Lancelot’s helmet and becomes jealous and suspicious. Gawain stops at Astolat, and after conversing with Elaine, he identifies the shield as Lancelot’s and gives her the jewel for her to keep and give to him when he comes back for his shield. Gawain becomes the gossip engine spreading tales about a romance between Elaine and Lancelot, hurting Guinevere even more.  Elaine and her older brother set out to find Lancelot and their sibling after knowing of his wound, they find them a little while afterwards with the knight’s wound infected and his life close to end.
Elaine is able to nurse Lancelot back to health with dreams and hopes of a responded love from him. But after recovering and returning to get his shield and jewel, he admits his feelings are only those of a friend or a sister towards her, even with his kindness to her, she gets heartbroken and ill with no hopes for a happy living. Some days later, Lancelot is able to talk to Guinevere and presents her with the jewels as gift; she accuses him of cheating on her and throws the diamonds to the river. While looking at the place where the gems fell and notices a floating body, he and others appear at the scene to find it was Elaine’s body with a suicide note saying how much her love was for him and she couldn’t stand living without him anymore. Everyone is touched by the letter and Arthur, after knowing the whole story, helps with the burial.
Later, Arthur asks Lancelot why he didn’t accept her loving company, since he is always alone, and even though Lancelot is unhappy, he cannot answer to Arthur’s curiosity. Guinevere forgives Lancelot but he never feels satisfy, he then proceeds to wander around and think about his life and his infidelity to Arthur.

Tennyson’s writing style and meaning
Tennyson has a précised rhythm in his poems; the Idylls are not the exception to his rule. We can find the alliteration and assonance that also describe his writing style and became his signature. In the Idylls, we see the glorification of England, it is more than noticeable the pride Tennyson had for being English and the legend of Arthur was going to bring back the pride of the glorious moments the country had in it Medieval Era. King Arthur was a great role model for every knight, conqueror and ruler holding to the expectations of purity and high skills to be in the same level of a character people still debate whether if it was real or not. It is obvious that Arthur Hallam’s memory attacks the writer again when Tennyson decides he should revive the legend of a man who is so loved by the culture. Adding to this that King Arthur’s name is the same as Hallam’s, Tennyson glorifies his friend’s name in the highest state he could. The Idyll called “The Passing of Arthur” was also dedicated to Hallam. Tennyson’s Arthur tend to give the scholars the impression that the King resembles the tale of Jesus, the Christian savior who sacrifices himself for those he loved, humanity, and it is said he came back to life and will take his throne upon the mortals when the time is right. And so it happens to Arthur after his fight with Mordred. He becomes deadly wounded, after defeating and killing his enemy and he was helped out with no answer to whether he died or kept on living. Some say he survived and is just waiting in the shadows to take his rightful throne again when the time is right. Camelot and its people were who forbid the promiscuous lust and held high the morals of the bible, when the kingdom was stroke with sin- Guinevere’s and Lancelot’s adultery- the whole kingdom started to crumble down, for the pure state of the human and its obedience to God’s rules were the things that kept Camelot and its glory undefeatable. Therefore, the purity disappeared and chaos took over, vanishing from the kingdom its most fierce-some warrior who did not deserve such response. The weak and imprisoned women are a strong symbol presented in Tennyson’s jobs.
In this case, Guinevere was the woman committing adultery and, therefore, the cause of the kingdom’s doom. Elaine is another example of Tennyson’s symbol, she couldn’t keep on living without the love of Lancelot, a man she only knew a few days and only his name and tales were considered valid for her feelings. This concept was presented in earlier works like “Mariana” with almost the same story. The women are the sensitivity of humans.
The glory of Arthur lives on and will always be considered a role model to those in our past, present and future. Alfred Tennyson reinforced the legends to be loved for generations to come.

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